A yellow and blue rotary international logo on a white background.

Ronkonkoma Rotary's Run Around The Lake

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm having issues with the registration page. What should I do?

    If you are experiencing errors while registering, please start over, in a fresh new tab, instead of trying to keep submitting on the same page.

  • How do I update my registration information (Name, email, cell phone, etc)?

    Click “Chat with elitefeats”  from this link: https://events.elitefeats.com/25murph

  • I've lost my registration. How can I get a new confirmation?

    Click on this registration link: https://events.elitefeats.com/24murph

    Hit “Resend Confirmation” in the upper right corner Enter your email address.

  • Does the uniformed team designation apply to military personnel only or law enforcement also?

    We have called it uniform services. So it encompasses all uniformed personnel.

    Fire, EMS, Police, as well as military

  • Are Strollers allowed?

    Yes. You will line up behind all other runners at the start line.

  • Are pets allowed?

    Sorry but no pets are unfortunately not allowed.

  • What is the course of the Fun Run?

    Start at the 4-mile start and go straight to the street opposite the entrance of the park!

  • What is the Time Limit for the Half Marathon?

    The time limit for the Half Marathon is 3Hrs and 15Min (or a 15 min mile pace). 

  • When will store items be mailed out?

    Around June 1 and then after July 4th

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